Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)

8 Miss Boerner Bride of William Meier The marriage of William Meler, son of Mrs. Vernie Meier of Eau Claire, and Miss Marjorie Adair Boerner, daughter of and Mrs. Robert L. Boerner of Whitefish Bay, took place at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoony, June 14, church, at the Milwaukee, Bay the Rev. Paul E.

Bishop reading the service before an altar decorated with white stock, delphinium and peonies. The bride wore a gown of white faille taffeta with fitted bodice, long sleeves and a train. Her veil of 11- lusion was held a crown of orange blossoms. White roses and lilies of the valley formed her bouquet. Miss Patricia Boerner, sister of the bride, was maid of honor.

Hornung of Milwaukee and Mrs. Bridesmaids were uNits Rosemary Kenneth Willert of Evanston, Alpha Xi Delta sorority sisters of the bride at the University of Wisconsin. The was attended by his cousin, Robert F. Andrew, of South Bend, Ind. Bert Bonner of Madison and Richard Brooks of Milwaukee were ushers.

Mrs. Meier attended her son's wedding rose crepe dinner dress and the mother the bride wore an aqua crepe gown. Each had corsage of pink roses and gardenias. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents after the wedding. A rehearsal- dinner was given for the bridal party by Mr.

and Mrs. J. Bryant Brooks in The couple will live in Milwaukee position with Bell, Telephone Mr. Melene has accepted a company. Wed in Eleva MRS.

EUGENE ZIMMERMAN In a candlelight ceremony at Eleva Lutheran church at 8 o'clock Saturday, Hagestad night, of Eleva, 7, Miss daughter Solof Mr. and Mrs. Norwin Hagestad, became the bride of Eugene Zimmerman of Eau Claire, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman.

The Rev. Sellevold, of Mondovi, performed the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Thomas Dillon played the wedding march and Aage Wichmann sang "Because" and 40 Promise Me." bride's father gave her in marriage. She wore 8 gown of white satin and lace with a fingertip veil which fell from a crown of seed pearls.

Her bouquet was an orchid surrounded by white roses and lilies of the valley. Her pearl necklace and earrings were a gift from the groom. Miss Ardys Hagestad, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, and Mrs. Kenneth Linder and Mrs. Leland Kofoid as bridesmaids, wore white floor length gowns.

They carried bouquets of assorted flowers. Barbara Barneson, cousin of the bride, flower girl. She also wore a white floor length gown and carried a bouquet of mixed flowers. The groom's attendants were Charles Zimmerman, his brother, Donald Hagestad and Kenneth Lindner. Edward Hagman was ring bearer.

Jean Hermundson and Phyllis O1- son ushered. After the ceremony, a reception of of of of a a a a a a a a a a a EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1947 FAU CLAIRE LEADER 5. Two. Mid Summer Church Weddings MR.

AND MRS. DONALD Before a candlelit altar in the Colfax Lutheran church at 8 p. m. Sunday, June 22, Miss Eunice Tandberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Tandberg of Elk Mound became the bride of Donald Jaquish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jaquish, 424 North Farwell Eau Claire. The Rev. Joseph Rangen I performed the double ring ceremony.

The bride's father gave her in marriage. The bride wore white satin with full skirt and long train. Her veil was held by bandeau of seed Jo pearls. She carried of pink and white roses. banquets Jaquish, her sister-in-law, was matron of honor in a gown of aqua ried a bouquet of pink carnations, marquisette over taffeta.

She carand wore a matching headdress. Miss Joyce Steward of Greenwood and Miss Arlene Tieman of Thorp were bridesmaids in gowns of yellow and respectively. They carried bouquets of pink, yellow and white carnations with matching headdresses. They were classmates of the bride. The flower girl, Barbara Burgess, four year old niece of the groom, was dressed as a miniature bride in a white satin gown and a headdress of white daisies.

She carried a basket of pink and white carnations. Gary Jaquish, five year old brother of the groom, ring bearer. Leslie Jaquish was his brother's best man. Donald Tandberg, brother of the bride, and Douglas Tandberg, her cousin, were Royal Kjesbo, cousin of the groom, and Verner Larsen, cousin of the bride, were ushers, Organ music was played by Miss Gloria Thornby of Eau Claire. Miss Annabelle Lawrence, of Waupun, sang "Because" and "At A reception for about 250 guests followed the wedding ceremony in the church parlors.

Pre-nuptial events included a kitchen shower given by the bride's classmates at Luther hospital, at the home of Miss Gloria Thornby of Eau Claire. Following the ceremony couple left for New York City, the New England states and Canada. After their wedding trip the bride will return to Luther Hospital School of Nursing, where she is a senior. In the fall the groom will resume his studies at Bob Jones university, Greenville, South Carolina. When the first commercial telephone exchange was installed at New Haven, in 1878, the standard greeting was "ahoy," not "hello." A wild goose has been photographed flying at a height of almost miles.

New born kangaroos weigh about of a pound and are an inch long. was held in the church basem*nt for friends and relatives. The bride and groom left on trip to Canada. They are now ing their home in Eau Claire. Photo by Aanes.

JAQUISH MR. AND Judith Darula, L. Johnson Wed Photo by Shaker. MRS. LAWRENCE JOHNSON MENOMONIE, Judith Darula, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John Darula of Boyceville, became the bride of Lawrence F. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F.

Johnson of Minneapolis at the Holy Trinity Slovak Lutheran church in Boyceville at 2 p. June 28. Miss Darula was attended by a Miss Julia Fizel as maid of honor and by Mrs. Emil Darula and Miss Betty Johnson as bridesmaids, and Miss Elaine Valentik as junior bridesmaid. The groom was attended by George Johnson, Chicago, as best man, Emil and Edward Darula as groomsmen and Walter and John Darula as ushers.

The bride wore a white satin gown with net overskirt and train. Her veil was held by a crown of net and seed pearls. Her bouquet was of white roses. The maid of honor wore a pink sheer gown trimmed with lace and then junior bridesmaids wore bridesmaid blue wore dresses. a pink rayon dress trimmed with net.

All carried colonial bouquets assorted flowers and each wore rhinestone bracelets, gifts of the bride. Miss Susan Jurkovic played the wedding marches Mrs. Wilfred Hedlund "Because," and "The Lord's Prayer." A reception dinner was served the Connorsville hall following the ceremory. After a week at a summer resort near Roger Lake, Mr. and Mrs.

Johnson are making their home in Minneapolis where the groom is attending the Minnesota School of Business. THE FASHION Eau Claire's Own Store 6 for gardenia loveliness HICKORY I Wear lines your a of smart youth silhouette new appeal. take Hickory on So those girdle. controlling, See charming THE FOREDOTIOO yet so comfortable, Hickory works magic LOVELIGESS for your figure, stays smooth OF and fresh and firm. A perfect balance of fine elastic and lovely fabrics is always found in a Hickory girdle.

Ask for Hickory today. 6.50 of of of of of of of of a a Janesville Girl Wed at Bloomer BLOOMER. Wis. (Special) -The marriage of Miss Florence Schwersinske and Wallace Boehm took place at a nuptial mass at St. Paul's church in Bloomer at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, June 28.

The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Ida Schwersinske of Janesville. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boehm of New Auburn.

The Rev. Michael Hass read the double ring ceremony. The bride's gown was of white nylon made with a long train. Her long veil edged with wide lace was held by a beaded tiara. Her gold wrist watch was a gift of the groom.

She carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses and forget-me-nots. Mrs. Leon Marek, the groom's cousin, was matron of honor in gown of orchid organdy over satin. Miss Isabel Marek and the bride's sister, Mrs. Merlin Gensler, the other attendants, wore blue taffeta gowns with shoulder length veils and carrying bouquets of white carnations and lilies of the valley.

They wore wreaths in their hair. Ida Marie Schwersinske, niece of the bride, was flower girl in a floor length dress of white marquisette. She carried a bouquet of mixed flowers. John Boehm, cousin of the groom, was ring bearer. Leon Marek was best man and the groom's cousin, Edward Boehm, and Merlin Gensler were groomsmen.

Glenn Boughton and Robert Boehm, cousins of the groom, were ushers. At noon, served at the home of the groom's parents. In the evening wedding dance was held at the White Birch pavilion. Mr. and Mrs.

Wallace Boehm left on a wedding trip to Chicago and other parts of the state. On their return they will make their home in Janesville, where they are both employed. Now at Home in Madison Photo by Art Boettcher. ME. AND MRS.

EARL UECKE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Uecke have returned from a wedding trip to Winnipeg. Canada, and are now making their home at 1034 E. Johnson Madison.

Earl Uecke, a senior at the university, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Uecke, Cameron Eau Claire. Mrs.

Uecke is the former Miss Ruth Bernard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Bernard of Madison. Their marriage took place at the Bethel Lutheran church early this summer, the Rev.

F. J. Schmidt reading the service. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her attendants were Miss Margaret Ann Fouts of Minneapolis, maid honor, and Mrs.

George Uecke of Eau Claire and Miss Jean Olson of Madison. Frederick F. Uecke, the groom's brother. was best man. Another brother, George Uecke, Edwin Mundy of Milwaukee and Thomas W.

Cullinan were ushers. The bride wore a gown of white all-over lace with full skirt and train and a veil of illusion caught to a sweetheart bonnet. Her bouquet was of white roses. Miss Fouts wore a pink moire gown with full panniered skirt, pink net cap and gauntlets. The bridesmaids wore similar moire frocks of lime green, aqua and yellow, with gauntlets to match.

They carried bouquets of carnations, tied with ribbons to match their gowns. Mrs. Uecke attended her son's wedding in a gown of salmon colored silk jersey, while the bride's mother wore white silk jersey. Each had a carnation corsage. A reception was held at Fellowship hall after the wedding.

Society and Personals John Bleske of the town of Wheaton is a patient at Sacred Heart hospital as the result of an injury to his hand received Thursday while he was haying. His son, Billy Bleske, is also a patient at Sacred Heart hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Ed Cartwright of Elk Mound, has returned home after spending several weeks in Portland, where she visited her son, Zenas, and family. She visited many of the cities and beaches along the northwest Pacific coast.

She also visited her grandmother, Mrs. Howard LaMuska, at Tacoma, and Anita Cartwright at Seattle. Flasher, of Mondovi, at the Norden parsonage at 2 p. m. Saturday, June 28.

The Rev. P. C. Danielson performed the ceremony. The was attended by Miss Anna Jackson, sister of the bride, and Gorden Flasher, brother of the groom.

The bride wore a pink and black two-piece dress with white accessories, and a shoulder corsage of white gardenias. Her attendant wore green dress with a matching corsage. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The bride is a graduate of the Eleva High school and attended Eau Claire State Teachers college. The groom 'is a graduate of the Mondovi High school and served four years in the armed services in the South Pacific.

He is employed at the U. S. Rubber co. A pre-nuptial shower was given the couple June 15 at the Harold Jackson home, 1245 S. Farwell Eau Claire.

After a two week camping motor trip to Hayward and Chicago, they will be at home at 309 Dodge Eau Claire. Janet Horkan, Robert Pregent Married Here MRS. ROBERT R. PREGENT Miss Janet E. Horkan, daughter of Mrs.

Lorraine Horkan of this city, became the bride of Robert R. Pregent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pregent, of Chippewa Falls, at a couble ring ceremony performed by the Rev. John Paul, Saturday, June 28, a nuptial high mass at St.

Patrick's church. The bride was escorted to the altar by her uncle, Daniel Holton, St. Paul, Minn. Her gown was of white slipper satin, with long train edged i with lace, and her fingertip veil with matching lace was held by a crown of orange blossoms. Her pearl necklace was a gift of the groom, She carried a shower bouquet of white lilies and larkspur.

Miss Janet Bauer was maid of honor. She wore a gown of white marquisette fashioned similar to that of the bride's. Viola Gilchrist, as bridesmaid, wore a gown identical to that of the maid of honor. They carried bouquets of pink and white carnations with matching tiaras of flowers in their hair. The groom was attended by his brother, William, as best man, and Melvin Tupper as groomsman.

After the ceremony wedding dinner was served to the bridal party and immediate family at the Eau Claire hotel. In the afternoon a reception was held at the bride's home. Pre-nuptial events included miscellaneous shower given by Miss Janet Bauer and Miss Viola Gilchrist, a kitchen shower was given by Miss Mary A. Finucan and Miss Mary J. Mason, and shower was given by Mrs.

George Cohoon and Mrs. Joseph Pregent in Chippewa Falls. A gift was presented to the bride from J. C. Penney where she was formerly employed.

Out of town guests attending the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hollon, Neil Holton of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Holton and son of Highland, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Foley and sons, and Miss Anita Rowlee, of Nekoosa, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacobs Wisconsin Rapids, Williom Pregent of Winona, and Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Pregent of Chetek. Mr. and Mrs. Pregent have returned from a trip to the North Shore and are now making their home in Chippewa Falls.

synthetic rubber, which does not a have the bounce of natural rubber at normal temperatures, makes a better inner tube because it holds air better. Japan began exporting tea thru the Dutch East India company in Church Club Calendar The Woman's auxiliary of Christ Church Cathedral will meet at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Al Melby and Miss Isabel Youle hostesses. Dean Gordon E. Brant will speak on "Job's Problems." Friends are invited.

Renewal of membership will be taken at this meeting. Rock Creek Ladies Aid will meet at the church Wednesday afternoon for the annual birthday party. All members will serve. Rock Creek Luther League will meet at the church Wednesday evening, entertained, by Mrs. O.

H. Shager and Miss Elsie Shager. The Pinehurst Ladies will meet at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Morris Olson and Mrs. Clarence Olson hostesses.

The Faith circle of Our Savior's Lutheran church, Mrs. Larson chairman, will have a picnic at Carson park this afternoon at 2:30. In case of rain the group will meet in the Guild hall. Mrs. Orville Wright, of Eau Claire, has returned home after spending several weeks in Dover, where she visited her son, Gerald and his family.

She also visited a sister in Spokane, and a friend, Mrs. O. Danielson, Whitefish, Mont. The Albertville Congregational Ladies aid will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Alfred Peterson.

Hostesses are Mrs. Laura Peterson and Mrs. Alfred Peterson. The program will include talk on polio by Miss Brenialsen, county nurse. Miss Christison Becomes Bride of N.

Wulff Photo by Shaker. MRS. NORMAN WULFF MENOMONIE-In a double ring ceremony performed by Rev. W. L.

King, Miss Shirley Christison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner, Menomonie, and Norman Wulff, Eau Claire, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sever Wulff, Mondovi, were wed in the Evangelical church at Menomonie at 8 p.

June 25. Candelabra on either side of the altar and candles in the windows lighted the baskets of flowers which decorated the church. The bride was given in marriage by her step-father. She wore 8 gown of chiffon over net, long lace mitts, and a beaded tiara holding a square fingertip veil edged in lace. Her gold locket was a gift of the groom.

Her bouquet was of pink and white roses with sweet peas and baby chrysanthemums with detachable corsage in the center. Mrs. Carlton Olson, Knapp, and Miss Joyce Chrisitison, sisters of the bride, were matron of honor and bridesmaid. Mrs. Olson wore pink and Miss Christison white eyelet dresses fashioned similarly to that of the bride, with long mitts and shoulder-length veils held by bands of flowers.

They carried colonial bouquets of pink and white flowers. Their earrings were rhinestones, gifts of the bride. Kermit and John Wulff, brothers of the groom, were his attendants and Lowell Christison, brother of the bride, and LeRoy Berg, nephew of the groom, were ushers. Mrs. H.

V. Puhl, church organist, FIRST ON THE STREET 4 for Everywhere! .00 BLACK SUMMER SUEDE 6.95 Oh what a cool, cool feeling! Perf'd Tissue- weight suede flattering, perfect fitting. as seen in GLAMOUR THE FASHION Eau Claires Own Store Beverly Brantner Aldrich, Wed in Augusta Photo by Louis Burmelster. MRS. ROBERT DUFFY MENOMONIE -Miss Doris.

Elaine Karns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert E. Karns, became bride of Robert James Duffy, of Spring Valley, son of Mrs. Ina Duffy, Menomonie, at St.

Joseph's church at 4 p. June 24. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William Daniels. Miss Karns was given in marriage by her father.

The bride was gowned in white satin with a long train. veil was edged with lace and fastened to a beaded crown. She wore a gold cross set with a diamond, gift of the groom. Her was of Johanna Hill roses of ivory with detachable corsage and streamers with ivory sweet peas. Miss Lita Marie Karns, sister of the bride, and 1 maid of honor, wore white chiffon with bands of lace in waist and skirt, gloves and a heart shaped crown edged with lace.

Red roses dominated in her mixed bouquet. The three bridesmaids wore marquisette over taffeta dresses of similar mode, Mrs. James Karns in aqua, Miss Soris Sixel, Chippewa Falls, in pink, and Miss Joan Lammer in yellow with matching lace gloves and mesh veiling in their hair. All wore gold crosses, gifts of the bride, and carried colonial bouquets to match their costumes. Sandra Sanderson, niece of the groom and flower girl, wore white dotted swiss with matching gloves, and 'a crown like that of the.

maid of honor. The ring bearer was Jackie Karns, brother of the bride. Mr. Duffy was attended by Doherty as man and James Karns as. groomsman with Donald Breitzman and William Smith as ushers.

Mrs. P. H. Hammerly was the organist and Max Brey sang "Ave Maria" and "The Lord's Prayer" during the service. A reception was held immediately after the ceremony at St.

Joseph's school auditorium with 100 guests present. The couple spent the remainder of the week on a northern trip. They will be at home after July 16 at Spring Valley. Both the bride and groom are graduates of the Menomonie high school. The groom spent three years in the navy.

Lowry-Dahl Photo by Aanes. MR. AND MRS. CARSTEN DAHL Miss Virginia Lowry, daughter of Mrs. Blanche Lowry of Eau Claire, and Carsten Dahl, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Sam Dahl of Colfax, were married at 1:30 Saturday afternoon, June 21, in Chippewa Fails, at the the Rev. Olsen, who performed. the and doubles George ring Pfeil- ceresticker were the attendants. The bride wore a pink suit with white accessories and orchid corsage.

Mrs. Pfeilsticker wore a blue suit with white accessories and rose corsage. A reception was held at the home of the bride's mother for near relatives and friends. The couple left for trip through Minnesota and Canada. On their return they will make their, home at Eau Claire, where the groom is employed.

Two showers were given in honor of the bride at Eau Claire. Joyce Jackson, M. Flasher Wed Photo by. Aanes. MR.

AND MRS. MARSHALL FLASHER Joyce Carolyn Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mts. Athol Jackson of Eleva, became the bride of Marshall J. Flasher, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Photo by Aanes. MRS. ARNOLD BRANTNER The marriage of Miss Beverly Aldrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

R. E. Aldrich, Route 1, Augusta, to Arnold Brantner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brantner, Route 3, Durand, took place on June 29, at the Methodist church at Augusta.

The Rev. Fred Smith performed the ceremony. The attendants were Mrs. Leonard Bolling, sister of the bride, and the groom's brother, fred Brantner. The bride wore a gown of white satin with long train.

Her veil was fingertip length and held by crown. Her lavaliere was a gift of the groom, brought from Rose, Italy, Her bouquet was of pink roses. white larkspur and white carnations. Mrs. Bolling wore a gown of blue satin with overskirt, of blue net.

Her bouquet was of blue carnations. Miss Shiela Balliett was at the organ. Miss Beverly Wright sang "I Love You Truly," and "The Lord's Prayer." A reception was held in the church parlors. The groom is employed in Eau Claire. They will make their home in Augusta, Route 1.

Sociat Situations THE SITUATION: You are smoking a cigaret as you are about to step on a crowded elevator. WRONG WAY: Get on the vator, cigaret in hand. RIGHT WAY: Put out your cigaret before you enter the elevator. The smoke from it may be distasteful to some passengers, and there always the danger that it might touch the clothing of another passenger. invented The process by Dr.

of nickel Isaac plating Adams was Boston 1 in 1869. played the wedding marches and accompanied the soloist, W. D. King, who sang "At Promise Me," and "The Lord's Prayer." The ceremony was followed by a reception in the church parlors for the immediate families. Following a wedding trip to Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, Mr.

and Mrs. Wulff are now making their home at 613 Forest Eau Claire. The bride is a graduate of the Menomonie high school. She has been a teller in the Union National bank, Eau Claire. The groom was in service for four and a half years and is now employed at the U.

8. Rubber company plant. in Eau Claire. Guests from a distance attending the wedding included Mr. and Mrs.

C. W. Christison, Boston, Mass. Among the pre-nuptial events were a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Carlton Olson in Knapp, and a miscellaneous shower given by Miss Goldie Melgaard, at the home of the bride's parents.

A Quinta Rory A BOUQUET IN SILVER Inspired by decorative motif carved in the wood paneling of England's historie Windsor Castle, Windsor Rose is a pattern you know is Sterling at first, glance. Only the finest solid silver could take such richness of design, such perfection of detail. And only Watson's master craftsmen could have created such grace and distinction for your table. We invite you to see Windsor Rose this week. You'll find the prices surprisingly moderate for such lovely Sterling, Fleming Bros.

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Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.