Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)

SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 23, 1943. EAU CLAIRE, VISCONSIN. 6. EAU ClAIRE LEADER can do tt so can the rest If the Is a will. Signed, MATJKICK HAEHLEN Lone Swimmers, Rash Divers Add to Toll of Swimming Casualties at the packing house than at tbe other larger employers of mass labor.

Indeed ws'hsvs baen Imposed upon if your statement is true. If we were "Imposed upon" It Is partly management's fault as we Invited management twice to eonts before us to tell their story. I'm not sure at this writing, however, that we were "Imposed upon." It Is Interesting to note that while ths bis; four cry "It can't be dons." Mr. Honnel and his packing company go right on doing It. They havs Industrial peace because long aco thev broucht workers and man- Drummond Plant orkers to Return to Jobs on Monday 67-Day Strike Ends with Acceptance of Company Offer of Nine-Cent Raise ter Mary Charles; Junior high school, home rooms of Lawrence Cook and Curtis Hanson (tied), principal, VerneU E.

Peterson. Hoeppner praised the Eau Claire Newspaper and radio stations for the excellent cooperation that these agencies have given In publicity for the 1041 clean-up campaign. He also thanked Fire Chief Oliver Books, Supt. Bam O. Davey of the local public schools, father John Paul of St.

Patrick's schools, Father J. W. Pitts of the Sacred Heart school, Robert B. Stokes, co- ordlnator of the scrap drive In city schools, and Dr. Lester M.

Emans of the Campus school for their assistance In the drive. Members of the clean-up, paint-up general commutes In addition to Hoeppner and Miller Include Al Vroome, advertising; Don Hanson, Jack Kelly, Bud Young, and Bob Nelson, rsdto; Henry Carr, Ore department: Charles Wood, scrap; Robert D. ButtenhnT, srises, and Phillip OulUckson, vice chairman. The clean-up, paint-up and Ox-up campaign was held from May I to 31. Nature's huge variety of flavors and chemicals Is based on only i) chemical elements.

Flavor chem- lea Is generally contain carbon, hy-j arogen ana oxygen only, out some lmporant ones also contain sulphur or nitrogen, or botn. A starfish has no brain, but It Is abls to learn. Cop Kills Holdup Man at Milwaukee (Thl Is toe third of a aerie el sis article on "Swim for Safe-ty." published la cooperattoa with the YMCA.) "When going In swimming, two la company, three Is better companyand being alone la danger-ous! "If you have the Inclinations of a hermit, seek your solitude elsewhere than in the water. With good companions your swimming will be more fun and much safer. Practiced swimmer though you may be, you might dive against a rock, be swept far out by a suddenly-encountered current, or get a cramp In deep water.

In such a case, It would be your last swim if no one was around to help you or go for aid. "Lone swimmers are virtually asking for trouble. No one la so good or s3 lucky that be can't get Into trouble in the water. If you are alone and get into difficulties, the chances of coming out alive are mighty slim. "Watch that diving.

Tou swim for safety, but you dive for pleasure. But it's certainly no pleasure to dive into deceptively shallow water. Nor Is it fun to smash against a hidden rock or to plunge into a strong undercurrent you didn't know was there. "To get used to cold water, rub ovef your 1pks gtomach chest and armpits. That way It will not be such a shock to your body or cause your heart to make a difficult adjustment.

sg ement Into a common combine. They established an annual wags which gave security by regular pay. They shared the profits. If Honnel Advertisem*nt mrfax atucks at Braaehlu Sauima nia Thli imt Inurosi 99r7 u.uuw thin, itunr u. and mora nltmautt Zl from root nis IvmuZk uIm nrnvfuit i Junior Chamber of Commerce Lists Winning School Rooms at Close of Clean-Up Drive V'aV Towix's King RieharJ I A Iff weighty solid sliver erafU Mm ed with the courtly ele- gjf gancc'that flourished kng jfjff ago.

1 If you love the dignity rf of damask and candelabra, f'f King Richard is your pui- tern a pattern of lav- 1 lsh beauty to pas on to your children and thai A children. Vr i A six-piece place setting if costs $33. Pay as little as I II I I week. fit iiii Open an Account if ff No Extra Chargt IM. Ypr vS Ssft Cwttrt tab swd sn(rr.

V-g AT YOUR Product cf WONDER-REST CORP, Mltoiuia Results In regard to active participation In the 1948 clean-up drive by students of all but two of the Eau Claire Public and Parochial schools have been tabulated by members of the local Junior Chamber of Commerce. Only the Seventh ward school and St. Patrick's schools have not reported to the general clean up committee, Hoeppner said. These schools, will furnish the committee wtth the necessary Information as soon as possible, the chairman pointed out. "The great response of the students, teachers, principals, and parents in their cooperation with the Junior Chamber of Commerce in the 1948 clean-up drive is most gratifying," Hoeppener stated.

"I feel confident that the 1948 school project of the clean-up drive has helped Instil In Eau Claire students a civic responsibility toward making Eau Claire a better place In which to live. Cases of soft drinks will be dis jJ1 III FRENCH OIL PERMANENT $400 Th rtstrfstftt hielo fat lwott rORN NIAB CHAIRMAN MACOMB, QL (sV-Flve district chairmen for the National Inter. collegiate Basketball association Saturday were appointed by Ray Hanson, NAIB president. They Included: District W. L.

Zora of Xav Clair (Wis) Tsachsrs college. Adrsrtisem*nt IVIIEU (IDIIEYS IVcrliTooOilcn am mi iMiniimil eai I llrttlM. le Ml abiwiw tiB aaS s)tta iu. iii iinna aad Ktdwr mt BlMow la onh mm tM OMO Ot UW HlMIS.HIy HM SMdMfcM Ot Crm WHllf to vork iKM aWptaS vmrsi SWp MiUss iimti sr MM scuta, SOlMMa IMM U4 This dunrtin Mae mimnm amilf usdm. a nitm mm dm ho Oat Cnta inm root tnctttt I a tin iffi atwexs I eSs rears eld, physically sound, Voice of the People TO THE EDITOR: Just In case none of the other ministers take time to comment on the letter of Mr.

P. W. Bpecht, President of Armour Co, in yes terdays paper I should like to correct several wrong impressions. As for law enforoement-the mln- liters went to great length in con- ferences 1Ui labor leaders to Im press upon them that violence and law breaking would only turn the entire community against them, and was un-Ohristlan. We stood squarely for law enforcement.

Labor knows this and so does local management if Apt Mr. Bpecht. As for Mr. Specht dismissing the plea to arbitrate on the grounds that It is only "splitting the It's Just not so. What the workers offered to do, and almost from the start, Is to go back to work with the 9c raise In pay and then have an Impartial committee take a look at the books and at the wage scale and then decide If any more could be paid without Injury to the company's financial position.

The union was willing, in case the arbitration board decided that no more could be paid, to stay at work, but they wanted the statement from an impartial committee. As for the statement that common labor In Eau Claire gets more Hi RESTOniC TRIPLE CUSHION MATTRESS lb thi Mem Trials CuttM it! aituttf as tatinirs feti if Wis mi hats. Satou! 01 With the CIO packing house workers strike officially over at non Saturday, when the last pickets were withdrawn, preparations were under way at the Drummond Packing Co. plant here. Idled Since March 16 last when CIO packing houae workers went out on strike, to get back Into production as soon as practicable.

rpk'i tVttt (rik rmrr.a as GO packing house workers hers nd elsewhere voted, by reported-1 ly large majorities, to accept the companies' offer of 9 cents an bour Increase In wages. Announcement of the result of the balloting came Friday night. C. H. Overly, general manager of the Drummond Packing plant here, an Armour subsidiary.

aid mai some oi me worer wtn Hlnr nntlflH in rertOrt for Work 1 Monday. However, resumption of spera lions in full ncarily will have io come in step, he pointing out Hint first the entire pmiu iu ur uu for Pur.cha.-te of live stock would also have io be made before slaughtering can he started. Purchase of livestock, he said. Would get under way at once. Processing camiot be started for some days, he ald, as various itlntls o( meat require certain periods, some lontrer than others, tor curing.

The workers will be notified, he said, to report for work when their respective departments are Bel to go. More than 300 workers were affected by the strike at the Drummond Only parking plants where the CIO packing house workers were the bargaining agents were affected by the 67-day strike. Parking plants where AFL packing house workers were the bargaining agents were unaffecied, as they had accepted the packing house companies offer of 8 rents an hour increase in wages. Statement by Union The following statement was made Saturday by the CIO packing house workers union. Local 119: "Arrangements have been made i With Mr.

Overly, manager of Drummond Packing Company, about railing employee back to work now the atrlktt has been terminated. Employes' will be called back In much the same manner they were when the plant reopened last September. "The first few days of next week, 1 members of the sanitation and maintenance crews will be busy getting things ready for full opera- tlon. No seniority will be observed until alter the second Monday. "Mr, Overly, assured the committee this morning that employes will be notified either by phone or registered mall of the day they will be expected to report for work.

"A meeting of Local 110 Is being called for next Monday night to give the membership further details." Three "Stntrk" I'lanta In State MILWAUKEE. (UP) About 1,200 Packinghouse workers in Wisconsin made plans to return to work at three plants in the state today as the 67-day strike came to an end. About 1,000 of the workers will return to the Planklnton Swift subsidiary, and the Armour and co. plants in Milwaukee and the others to the Drummond plant in Eau Claire. All the workers were expected to be back on their Jobs with a nine-cent hourly wage boost by Monday.

The three plants were the only ones affected by the strike In Wisconsin. Uncle Ray's Corner A LITTLE SATl'RDAY TALK! DANGER FROM LYE A sad event took place recently, A certain man a truck driver visited the farm of a friend. Going Into the barn, he found It empty, but saw what looked like a pall of mtlk. with an empty cup nearby. The truck driver was thirsty, so he dipped the cup In the pail, and gulped down some of the liquid.

He lelt sure that his friend would be glad to have him. take a little. A moment or two later, he felt something wrong with his throat, a'so with his stomach. He looked for the iarmer. and this time found him, and told him what he had done.

"That wasn't milk!" exclaimed the larmer. You have drunk a cup of lye! We had the lye water there to use in cltanlng milk cans." The truck driver drove to the nearest town and called at the office of a doctor. In a little while he was placed in an ambulance to be laktn to a hospital In. a city about 30 miles away. He died shortly alterward.

That is only one of many cases In which people have suffered from the substance known- as "lye." Usually the victims have ben babies, but now and then an adult bas burned his throat, or been injured in some other way, by taking lye by mistake. Lye Is a caustic sodium which can burn Into the flesh of a human being or an animal. For a long time It has been used in making certain types ol "strong" soaps. It also has a place in tunning leather, Because of the danger in lye, the old etistom keeping some of it I In the household has Just about 'passed away. Yt the Incident of which I have spoken shows that it Ktill may be kept where it will do harm.

A drop of lye on the skin may cause a bad burn. II vinegar is placed on the spot, It will tend to stop the burning. A person who swallows lye should quickly try to save himself by swallowing lemon Juice, vinegar i a (What Is likely to happen when a thoughtless swimmer feels his eats'? Read tomorrow's installment of this series.) "If you've just had a heavy meal, it's better to wait a while before taking a swim. Being In water shouldn't Interfere with your digestion, but excitement and exertion in water will do it no good, and can put a heavy strain on your heart. you're exhausted and over-heated, rest and cool off before taking to the water.

Tour swimming endurance Is limited when you're tired at the start, and too sudden changes In temperature may cause cramps or "other Illness. tributed to the principals, students, and teachers of winning home rooms throughout Eau Claire the earlier part of next week under the direction of Earl J. Miller, puDllclty chairman of the drive. Ice coolers will be erected upon trucks lor distribution. The winning grades In the fol lowing schools have been reported to the general clean-up committee by their respective principals: Sec ond ward, home room of Beatrice Anderson, principal, Robert B.

Stokes Third grade, principal, Leo Smith; Fourth ward, first grade. Principal John Walters. Eighth ward. First grade, principal, Harley Friemuth; Ninth ward, home room of Miss Poquette, principal. Frederick Nelson; Tenth ward, home room of Mrs.

Cook, principal, Phillip K. Haugen; Campus school. Fifth grade, principal, Dr. Lester Emans. Sacred Heart school, horns room of Sister Maxltlnda, principal, Sis- MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL HAIRDRESSERS AND COSMETOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION "WAVE OF THE MONTH CURL CUT SAOMioa I JTATt 1 sjL 75c rsw hairstyle.

Have it and com MILWAUKEE (UP)-A Milwaukee policeman was critisaiiy injured m- day by three bullets ftrfd from the gun of a holdup man who later was killed by a partner of the wounded officer. Reported in critical condition was Harold Neustedter. shot In the back an4 abdomen by Emmlt Clemons, 24, wo. The bandit was slain In a running gun oame dt me anooung nrtnT PjivmnnH Pokr- raynkl. Lieut.

John Nlederkorn (a)(I bndlt up M1iwnuk-e bftr and MCappd wlth last nlght. wpustfdur spotted Negro on the street and crossed to question him. The Negro fired three times, felling the officer. Pokrczvnskl, on a beat about a half block away, heard the shot and ume to his partner's assistance. The bandit fled, and the officer save chase.

Two shots were fired by the policeman in a running gun battle, which ended about eight blocks away, with the bandit cornered. Poicrrzynskl ordered the bandit to drop his gun as the Negro turned and threatened to shoot. When he failed to comply with the officer's order, the policeman fired once more, shooting the bandit through the head. The dead man was Identified today by about eight patrons of the bar which was robbed. Police said Clemons was placed on probation in February for forgery.

The police department said the shooting was the first In five years In which an officer was shot. St. Pat's Year Book Dedicated to Father Paul The 1948 St. Pat-lick's high school year book, was distributed at the school Friday. Editors of the book were Ooldean Beck and Thomas Finucan, co-editors, who headed a staff composed of Patricia Kurth, Kathleen O'Dris-ooll, Patricia Kauffman, Mary Jo Donaldson and Joan Retdy.

The staff photographer was Richard Donaldson The book this year Is dedicated to Father John Paul, athletic director of the school. or sour milk. Soon afterward he should take white of egg, flour, starch or milk. Action like this, Mar the doctor comes, will be helpfiS.but the best thing Is never to allow lye to be kept where might do harm. 1947 Scrapbook Ciobl To Uncle Ray, Care of Leader and Telegram Us Claire.

Wis Dear Uncle Ray: I want to Join the 1917 Uncle Ray Scrapbook Hub, and I enclose a stamped envelope carefully addressed to myself. Plea send me a Membership Certificate, a leaflet telling how to make a Corner Scrap-book of my own. and a printed design to paste en the cover el my scrapbook. Name Street or FJ). Enjoy Shaded Jth KOOLSHADEkV.T.

There's no need to endure sweltering misery this summer! Marvelous KoolShade Sun Screen can keep your rooms as much as 15 cooler! Installed like ordinary insect screen. Requires no maintenance. Keeps sun heat rays out, but lets plenty of light and breeze in. A limited supply is- available. Order now for cooler living this summer.

Phone er come in for demonstration today I inousou ttm pmtiow HOME INSULATION CO. OF EAV CLAIRE, INC. 538 Water Stfret Vbnnt KS5I sua in eoueon rooar I mxt aw (MMtMMtal eesesae' City State i ahead. Refreshing shampoo and hairstyle Included. With or without appointment To Men of the High School BEAUTY SALON Telephone Vfl East Grand Arenas A aa 17 t'li 1 ----isfc5S5S owme I '111 sausM Vm Y-N II I of the four courses you have selected, and a place will be reserved for you in that course.

Then you enlist for 3, 4 or 5 years, and after passing the physical and, mental examinations and completing basic training you will be guaranteed training in your chosen field. The Air Force offers a similar opportunity in its Aviation Career Plan, giving you a pre-enlistment choice of 3 among the more than 40 US AF Specialist Schools. Therd is no better way to get a start in the great and growing field of aviation. Either plan gives you good pay, excellent training and a splendid chance for advancement in a real career. You can get full information, including lists of avail, able Specialist Schools and Technical Courses, at your nearest Army and Air Force Recruiting Station.

here's a big day coming soon -the day when you get your diploma. At your graduation exercises you'll hear two things mentioned often -the opportunities and the obligations of manhood. Those aren't just' words. They deserve the serious thinking of every high school graduate. As an American citizen your opportunities are greater than in any other country on earth.

And for that very reason you have an obligation to defend America and its freedoms -to make this way of life secure. By enlisting in the Army or Air Force after graduation you will be discharging your debt to your country. At the same time you can take advantage of one of the finest opportunities ever offered a "young man. CHOOSI YOUR FIELD OP -SPECIAL TRAINING EFORI YOU ENLIST! you are 18 to Si (17 with parents' consent) and a Lhigh school graduate, you can select your count of training in the Army or the Air Force bef ore enlisting. To Mejn with 2 Yexart or Atoro of CblTofj TOSS IY.XSS with the Aviation Cadets i ACE VXZmizi CTHOOS i completed at least I years af tks aroivalcnt, yea aaay be' pilot training as an Aviation Get foil details new.

Next July 1, 1944. VS EAST STH ST, ST. PACT MINN. I ovM Bks toe hom*o dowowSoSsa of My gxsmiNid Under the Army Technical School Plan you can specify two different courses that appeal to you in each of two fields. The Army will check to make sure there is an opening in one yea are tingle, 20 to 26tf mctsm IL arm Ml ans hare eeliefte er qualified for Cadet, daw starts Bocfrofaa VoOMa Cwonor, icwyWN Mi 7 i B.

1 JUr Fern heraffiat terries NAME ADORESS UNITED STATES ARMY. and AIR East Grand Avenue Phone FORCES RECRUITING SERVICE 6021 Eau CWr conslrt.

Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.